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Beckman Center for Cryo-Electron Microscopy



Please contact us if you have a sample for screening or data collection on the Titan Krios. Send us an email and include the sample submission form (Form)attached with the request. To check Krios microscope availabiliy Click here

Once your grids are ready, submit them to staff members (Prerana or Sudheer) at the Singh Center.


Overview of Services

The Beckman Center for Cryo-Electron Microscopy provides access to state-of the art cryo electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and cryo electron tomography (cryo-ET) for structural investigation of macromolecules within and outside cells. The facility currently houses a 300 keV Titan Krios G3i microscope equipped with phase plate, K3 Summit Direct Detector camera and Bioquantum GIF energy filter. In the near future, it is set to incorporate a Glacios operating at 200 keV to its equipment. Additionally, the facility has Vitrobot cryo plunger and all accessories needed to perform sample preparation for cryo-EM. The facility is available to Penn research groups and external academic research groups in the greater Philadelphia area. You can reach out to us at In addition to data acquisition, the cryo-ET branch offers expertise and instrumentation for advanced sample preparation methods as well. We host a Zeiss LSM900 laser scanning confocal light microscope designed to facilitate correlative cryogenic workflows, specifically for targeted cryo-ET data acquisition. Additionally, a Zeiss Crossbeam 550 (equipped with a cryostage, a Delmic Meteor in-chamber fluorescence microscope, high signal-to-noise primary and secondary electron detectors and superior electron optics) is capable of conducting volumetric scanning electron microscopy (vSEM) reconstructions and thinning of biological specimens in a targeted fashion for subsequent cryo-ET. For cryo-ET related requests, please reach out to

The Beckman Center for Cryo-Electron Microscopy is exclusively for cryo-EM/cryo-ET workflows. For other EM-related services, please refer to our sister facility - Electron Microscopy Research Laboratory.

We offer the following services at the Beckman Center for Cryo-Electron Microscopy:

Advanced cryo-EM:

  • Freezingscreening and optimization of samples for cryo-EM.
  • Users may choose to have screening done by our staff or to receive hands-on training and perform their own screening assisted by staff.
  • High resolution data acquisition of the prescreened samples on the Krios G3i microscope.
  • Data transfer via the Penn network (internal users only), hard drives or file sharing services such as Globus (user needs to provide account).
  • The facility is currently restricted to staff for operation and management of the microscope.

Note: The “advanced cryo-EM” branch does not provide cryo-EM data processing and reconstruction services. However, we may be able to assist - please inquire if you need help with data processing. 

Advanced cryo-ET:

  • Training and data acquisition on the LSM900.
  • Training and data acquistion on the Crossbeam 550.
  • Assistance with sample preparation for cryo-ET
  • Assistance with and training on the Krios for cryo-ET data acquisition
  • Assistance with cryo-ET data processing and post processing/analyses on a case-by-case basis.


Research Resource Identifier (RRID)

Our RRID is RRID:SCR_022375. Please cite us using this identifier when publishing your results. 


Faculty Director

Vera Moiseenkova-Bell, Ph.D.

Professor of Pharmacology

Department of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics


Core Directors/Managers

Advanced cryo-EM:


Sudheer Molugu, Ph.D.


Prerana Gogoi, Ph.D.


Advanced cryo-ET:

Shrawan Kumar Mageswaran, Ph.D.


Elaine Mihelc, Ph.D.






Krios and Glacios:

3205 Walnut St.

G011 Singh Center

Philadelphia, PA 19104 


LSM900 and Crossbeam 550:

B33A Anatomy Chemistry Building

3620 Hamilton Walk

Philadelphia, PA 19104


Links and Resources
For negative staining, ultrastructural traditional TEM, approach Electron Microscopy Resource Lab Website


Name Role Phone Email Location
Vera Moiseenkova-Bell
Faculty Director

Ingrid Schafroth
Core Facilities Coordinator
242 Anat-Chem Bldg.
Sudheer Molugu
Core Director

Prerana Gogoi
Core Director

Shrawan Kumar Mageswaran
Cryo-ET Technical Director

Elaine Mihelc
Cryo-ET Technical Director


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