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Penn Genomics and Sequencing Core - Next-Generation Sequencing Laboratory

The prior Next Generation Sequencing Core (NGSC) is now part of Penn Genomics And Sequencing Core (PGSC).

Two other former cores, DNA Sequencing Facility (DSF) and Molecular Profiling Facility (MPF) are also part of PGSC.

Overview of Services

We offer comprehensive high-throughput next-generation sequencing services from consulting on experimental design to data analysis.

This includes DNA/RNA extraction, library preparation, sample quality checks, and Illumina sequencing on our NovaSeq 6000, NextSeq 2000 and MiSeq.

NovaSeq can be operated by clients in a self-service mode or by the core staff. For using both stages (self-service mode) please contact us.

NextSeq 2000 and MiSeq are run only by the core staff.

You can request training on NovaSeq 6000 on the Request Services tab above.

We perform both bulk RNA-Seq, and single-cell RNA-Seq experiments using our 10x Chromium Controller.

We can generate very long reads using our Oxford Nanopore Technologies minION sequencer. We also have access to a PromethION.

We are in the process of introducing long-read PacBio Revio services at the core. Please stay tuned.

For further information please contact Tapan Ganguly, Director and Erik Toorens, Technical Director.


Informatics Services 

The NGSC offers informatics services:

Please contact John Tobias – He will provide the service regardless of where the data is generated.

These other fine folks also provide service:

DOM DRC Functional Genomics Core - Jonathan Schug and Kirill Batmanov - Members of the Institute for Diabetes and Metabolism's (IDOM) Diabetes Research Center (DRC) can get a wide range of bioinformatics services via the Functional Genomics Core (FGC).

IBI - Bioinformatics Core - Taehyong Kim - The Bioinformatics Core in the Institute for Biomedical Informatics offers a wide range of services.  See the BiC website for more information.


RRID (Research Resource Identifier)

Our RRID is RRID:SCR_024999.  Please cite us using this identifier when publishing your results.

Need Help?

Try these new links for help before, during, and after working with the NGSC.

PSOM iLab help - links to help for BAs and PIs

FAQs - answers to common questions.

URLs - links into the websites of Illumina, 10X Genomics, and others

Where is my QC, Data, and Meta Data?

We use iLab for equipment schedulingstarting an experiment, and for billing.

The science, quality checks, data delivery, FAQs, etc. is at our NGSC Website.  

Accounts for iLab and the NGSC data website are distinct and must be set up separately for PI and investigator.

Letters of Support

Contact us for letters of support for grant applications.


2023-09-30 Kyra Kovacic has left the NGSC@PGSC

2023-08-21 Desiree Amaya is the NGS@PGSC's newest member

2023-01-03 Jonathan Schug is transitioning out of the Technical Director position.

2022-07-01 Kyia Rutherford has left the NGSC.

2022-07-01 The NGSC is now part of the Penn Genomics and Sequencing Core (PGSC).

2022-06-01 Kyra Kovacic is our newest NGSC staff member.

2022-06-15 The sequencing room door is now locked and requires card-reader permissions to access.

2021-10-18 Olga Smirnova, a 15-year veteran of the FGC and NGSC, has taken a new position at Penn. 
We thank Olga for her excellent unmatched service.  Best wishes!

2021-01-11 Our NextSeq has been retired and is no longer available for self- or full-service operations.

2021-01-11 Kyia Rutherford officially started at the NGSC.

2020-11-10 Our 10X Genomics Single Cell controller has been repaired and is available again
for self-service usage.  It is capable of running the new V3.1 reagents.

2020-11-06 We have had our first self-service runs on the NovaSeq!  Please contact us to
schedule your training - classroom and hands-on.  If you have already completed
the classroom training in the Spring or more recently, we can connect you with
Ana to set up the hands-on training.

2020-11-01 New lower prices for NovaSeq runs have been in place since September 1, 2020 and
are now posted in iLab and on our website.  A few other services have lower
prices as well, including 10X single-cell reagents.

2020-10-26 Joe Kutch, a 4-year veteran of the NGSC has recently take a new position at
Penn.  We thank Joe for his dedicated and excellent service to the NGSC.  Best


NGSC Websites

We are using iLab for equipment schedulingstarting an experiment, and for billing.

The science, quality checks, data delivery, etc. remains at our NGSC Website.

You will still need to use your NGSC accounts.

Take a look at our FAQ to see how we work.


Sample Drop-off Hours and Location

Drop-off Hours                                          Location                                                                                        
11:00AM-12:00PM - Tuesday to Thursday
2:30PM - 3:30PM - Monday to Friday

12-160 Smilow

3400 Civic Center Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19104


Make your remittance payable to Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, Attn: Jeffrey Griffin.Other details pending.


Map of SCTR 12-th Floor

Map of SCTR 12th Floor

Links and Resources

  1. Core Website
  2. Email us



Name Role Phone Email Location
Tapan Ganguly, Ph.D.
B16 Anat-Chem Bldg.
Erik Toorens
Technical Director
502 Stellar-Chance Labs
