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Viral / Molecular High Density Sequencing Core

Welcome to the Viral / Molecular High Density Sequencing Core at the University of Pennsylvania.

We offer both Illumina sequencing and bioinformatic expertise to assist researchers with gene therapy trial evaluations,
viral integration profiling,
CRISPR off-target analyses, as well as bioinformatic analyses including RNAseq transcription  
profiling and 16S taxonomic assignments.
Services are available à la carte or as complete service packages.

These services are offered by the laboratory of Dr. Frederic Bushman in the Microbiology Department and as part
of the CFAR consortium at PENN.


Please visit our core website for more information. FAQ can be found here

Please contact Aoife Doto to see how we can assist you with your project:


Example analysis reports: 
Gene therapy subject report
CRISPR off-target analysis report

Research Resource Identifier

Our RRID is RRID:SCR_022433.  Please cite us using this identifier when publishing your results.


Name Role Phone Email Location
Aoife Doto, PhD
Technical Director
425 Johnson Pavilion
John Everett, PhD
Bioinformatic Director
425 Johnson Pavilion
Frederic Bushman, PhD
Principle Investigator
425 Johnson Pavilion


425 Johnson Pavilion, 3610 Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104