Welcome to iLab at The Perelman School of Medicine 



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Contact iLab.Support@pennmedicine.upenn.edu for assistance, or click here for PSOM's iLab Support page. 


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Click the "Core Facilities" tab at the top left for a list of PSOM CORES



iLab Cores at University of Pennsylvania

Core Name Primary Contact Email Phone Number/Ext
ACC Electronic Phenotyping Resource Peter E. Gabriel, MD, MSE peter.gabriel@pennmedicine.upenn.edu (215) 888-9985
Acute Care Biobanking Core Ayannah Fitzgerald, BSN ayannah@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Animal Biosafety Level 3 Core Peter Hewins phewins@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-932-5968
Beckman Center for Cryo-Electron Microscopy Vera Moiseenkova-Bell vmb@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-898-1154 
Brain Science Service Center John A. Detre, MD detre@pennmedicine.upenn.edu (215)573-8487
CNSC (Chemical and Nanoparticle Synthesis Core) Andrew Tsourkas atsourk@seas.upenn.edu
CRISPR-Cas9 Mouse Targeting Core (UPenn) Jorge HENAO-MEJIA jhena@pennmedicine.upenn.edu Only e-mail inquiries!
Cell & Developmental Biology (CDB) Microscopy Core Andrea Stout astout@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-573-3942
Cell and Animal Radiation Core (CARC) Christie Foti Christie.Foti@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-898-2552
Clinical Research Informatics Core Danielle Mowery PhD MS MS FAMIA ibi-cic@lists.upenn.edu
Electronic Microscopy Resource Lab
Engineered mRNA and Targeted Nanomedicine Core Mohamad-Gabriel Alameh Mg.Alameh@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Gnotobiotic Mouse Dmytro Kobuley penngf@pennmedicine.upenn.edu (215) 573-0328
High-Throughput Screening (HTS) Core Sara Cherry
Human Immunology Core Honghong Sun hsun2@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-573-7389
Immune Health Allie Greenplate allie.greenplate@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
LNP Therapeutic Targeting Core Vladimir Muzykantov, MD, PhD muzykant@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-898-9823
Metabolomics Core
Microbial Culture and Metabolomics Core Elliot Friedman, PhD elliotf@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-573-9571
Neurobehavior Testing Core W. Timothy O'Brien obrienw@pennmedicine.upenn.edu (215) 898-0476
PSOM BGS Jill Baxter jabaxter@upenn.edu 215-573-2234
PSOM BUP Chao Homann chao.homann@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Pancreatic Islet Cell Biology Core Andrea Rozo arozo@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Penn Electronic Design Shop Vincent Lau vincent.lau@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 217-693-1573
Penn Genomics and Sequencing Core - Molecular Profiling Laboratory Tapan Ganguly, PhD gangulyt@pennmedicine.upenn.edu (215) 573-7238
Penn Genomics and Sequencing Core - DNA Sequencing Laboratory Tapan Ganguly gangulyt@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-573-7238
Penn Genomics and Sequencing Core - Next-Generation Sequencing Laboratory Tapan Ganguly, Ph.D. gangulyt@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-573-7238
Penn Medicine Academic Computing Services (PMACS) PMACS PMACS_SIO@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Quantitative Proteomics Resource Core
Radioimmunoassay Core Heather Collins hwc@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-898-4368
Research Instrumentation Shop Dieter Hunt dieter.hunt@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-898-3663
Rodent Metabolic Phenotyping Core Joseph Baur baur@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-746-4585 (office)
Small Animal Imaging Facility (SAIF) Jim Delikatny delikatn@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-898-3105
Stem Cell and Xenograft Core Michele Arlotta michelea@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-898-9615
The OCRC Tumor BioTrust Collection Euihye Jung euihye@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-746-5137
Tumor Tissue and Biospecimen Bank PBR Helpdesk PBRHELPDESK@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
VRC Machine Shop John Westdyke westdyke@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-898-8820
Viral / Molecular High Density Sequencing Core Aoife Doto, PhD rochea@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-573-8733
induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Core Wenli Yang, PhD wenliyan@pennmedicine.upenn.edu 215-746-0589

non-iLab Cores at University of Pennsylvania

Core Name Primary Contact Email Phone Number/Ext
Click here for information about other cores at the Perelman School of Medicine